2017 Videos and Resource Page HERE
NOTE: Vaccine Summit Omaha
was held April 7 & 8 and was a dynamic and vital success. Thank you to all who took part.
Many asked if there was any recording of Dr. Toni Bark's keynote, the Panel Discussion or Adam Fogarty's presentation. As a result of all the interest, we determined that this website would be a focal point of information - a page and group for those who need more information and could use support in facing this serious and multifaceted problem - especially the parents who are struggling with this question every day.
So, look here and return often. We are working at this moment to upload audio and video from Vaccine Summit Omaha 1.0 as well as build a local coalition of people interested in pursuing a solution to the challenge of unsafe and ineffective vaccines.
If you have suggestions, resources or material, please contact us.
Vaccines: Are they safe?*
Are they effective?*
State government guidelines call for over 50 vaccines for your child from birth to age six.
Are you okay with that?
Vaccine Summit Omaha wants to help you find the answers with a special two-day event, Friday and Saturday, April 7 and 8.
• Friday, April 7, @ 7 pm - A VIP event with Dr. Toni Bark at the Universal College of Healing Arts.
Tickets and information here.
• Saturday, April 8
• @ 1 pm - Keynote Address by Dr. Bark at the Omaha Health Expo, Baxter Arena, 67 & Center.
• @ 2:30 pm - Panel discussion featuring Omaha physicians and a mom who knows what vaccine injury can do to an infant.
Followed by your Q & A. THE EXPO IS A FREE EVENT.
Dr. Toni Bark is a recognized expert on vaccines and has appeared in documentaries including "Vaccines Revealed", "Silent Epidemic" and "Bought", which she also produced. She is in private practice in Chicago and regularly speaks at conferences and events on concerns about vaccines.
She is an expert medical witness in cases before the National Vaccine Injury Court.
Full Bio here.
Presented by:
Are they safe?*
Logic holds the answer. If vaccines are safe, how is it that the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program of the United States Government has paid out over $3.6 billion to Americans injured or killed by vaccines? That is not “safe”.
Are they effective?*
It’s another case of logic: If vaccines are effective, why did the Centers for Disease Control just announce that this year’s flu vaccine is 47% effective at best and last year’s was only 13% — that’s thirteen percent — effective?
Question answered.